Caffeine Story!

A De-stressing Rakhi Gift - 2020 Edition

A De-stressing Rakhi Gift - 2020 Edition

18 Jul 2020

Ace your Rakhi Gifting this year with a special de-stressing 2020 edition. The days have been a bit gloomy and your sisters, brothers, special ones need some unwinding. The first...


A De-stressing Rakhi Gift - 2020 Edition

18 Jul 2020

Ace your Rakhi Gifting this year with a special de-stressing 2020 edition. The days have been a bit gloomy and your sisters, brothers, special ones need some unwinding. The first thought you might get reading de-stressing gifts is going to be Bath Bombs, Essential Oils, Aromatic Soaps, and the list can go on! But here we are going to tell you a very caffeinated secret!   We’re going to make your Rakhi Gifts relaxing and calming with Coffee. Yes, you heard us right! And trust us, they are going to love it.   Waking up to the heavenly aroma of...

Under Eye Care With Coffee

Under Eye Care With Coffee

12 Jun 2020

Never did we expect that the only way left to escape this lockdown will be sticking to our screens and going places virtually. While many of us might be loving...

Under Eye Care With Coffee

12 Jun 2020

Never did we expect that the only way left to escape this lockdown will be sticking to our screens and going places virtually. While many of us might be loving all the late-night screen times but our eyes just aren’t. After all the WFH on the laptop, binge-watching, and video call for hours, your eyes get exhausted. What adds more to this is your messed up sleep schedule, playing the host for problems like dark circles, wrinkles, or excess puffiness.   But all is not lost! Apart from the obvious things like getting proper sleep, eating right, and drinking enough...

Safety Measures at mCaffeine.

Safety Measures at mCaffeine.

29 May 2020



Safety Measures at mCaffeine.

29 May 2020


A Relaxing Sunday Plan For A Great Week Ahead

A Relaxing Sunday Plan For A Great Week Ahead

23 May 2020

We all are a part of some hustle. We constantly keep ourselves occupied throughout the week but our bodies and mind need a day off. And what better than a...

A Relaxing Sunday Plan For A Great Week Ahead

23 May 2020

We all are a part of some hustle. We constantly keep ourselves occupied throughout the week but our bodies and mind need a day off. And what better than a Sunday? Planning a relaxing Sunday is one thing that we can do to balance our work & life. It is a part of a healthy lifestyle and it definitely perks up our mood, elevating our senses! So let’s get started and plan a perfect Sunday.     No hustle-bustle of the day, it’s just you and your bed! Sundays are days when you should allow your body to wake you...

Great Reads While You Face Mask!

Great Reads While You Face Mask!

05 May 2020

A lot of us must be loving the screen time as that might be the only way left to escape this lockdown for some time. But turning to some books...

Great Reads While You Face Mask!

05 May 2020

A lot of us must be loving the screen time as that might be the only way left to escape this lockdown for some time. But turning to some books instead can help with your mental well being in a better way. Those who are not into reading and want to try, here is something fun for you! Whether it's trying to read the epic classic from the past or even trying to develop a reading habit, it can all be made joyful by indulging in your favourite face mask while you read. So, in an effort to make this...

How To Maintain Work-Life Balance during a lockdown

How To Maintain Work-Life Balance during a lock...

18 Apr 2020

A lot of us our perfecting the ‘Work From Home’ culture. Working from home doesn’t come easy. The beds, couches and bean bags might appeal for a more relaxed and...

How To Maintain Work-Life Balance during a lock...

18 Apr 2020

A lot of us our perfecting the ‘Work From Home’ culture. Working from home doesn’t come easy. The beds, couches and bean bags might appeal for a more relaxed and fun way of working but on a daily basis might not be that amazing. Especially for the ones who are working off late & for long hours, you guys need to get extra cautious. If you are the one who thought, owning a work-desk at home is not such a good idea might be feeling a little left out & the stiffness of the neck would add up to it....